San Juan County is unique as it is one of seven Washington counties that uses charter form of county government. The charter (constitution) allows for three elected officials representing the three county districts and make up the San Juan County Council. Our charter is unique in other ways as it combines the legislative and executive powers under the authority of the San Juan County Council; this is different from other counties, state, and federal government where the legislative, executive, and judicial branches are separate and have separate functions. San Juan County also elects a prosecuting attorney and judges. The prosecuting attorney is the legal authority and for civil matters, the attorney to the San Juan County Council, its departments and other elected officials, such as the sheriff, auditor, treasure, and others. In criminal matters involving state law the PA represents the state. The prosecuting attorney is also the legal advisor to other “taxing districts”, legal term to describe entities such as the fire departments, school districts, libraries, and others. These entities are not part of San Juan County government, and their elected officials are not subject to the San Juan County Charter. The judges are also elected by the citizens of San Juan County, and they are the judicial branch and are considered state offices.
The SJC Charter allows for propositions to be presented to the voters via three ways: The Charter Review Commission, The County Council and by San Juan County citizens.
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