Link to CRC Meeting Minutes 1 or 2 submissions discussion summary May 27-July 12, 2021
Link to the SJC and the CRC Aug 2, 2022 meeting decision
Link to the CRC Final presentation July 13, 2022 – Click on #3 “Discussion”
Link to the SJC Council meeting July 20, 2021 forwarding the CRC amendments – Click on item #3 “Discussion/Action”
The following constitutes a minority report by those commissioners of the 2021 Charter Review Commission (CRC) whose analyses and concerns were not to the same degree shared by their fellow commissioners. Accordingly, this report is submitted to briefly memorialize those analyses and concerns lest they be forgotten. The signers below are few but politically divergent, sharing with their fellow commissioners their concern for the welfare of our county.
The voters of San Juan County, WA, elected 18 citizens to form the CRC. All commissioners are duly elected and represent their communities and all inhabitants of San Juan County, WA. When the CRC convened earlier this year, we were prepared to review the current charter and workout where there were problems or omissions and then propose solutions in the form of amendments that will be presented to the voters for the November 2021 election cycle. We acknowledge the hard work and the commitment of our fellow CRC Commissioners; the timeline was tight; many meetings and hours of work and we performed our duties with gusto and passion. We thank them. As in any other governmental and political processes, there were passionate different point of views and compromise, and agreement. This report does not cover the many compromises and agreements but rather what a few of us felt that this report is necessary to advance the collaborative efforts when elected officials and citizens disagree. This report intended to highlight the minority’s views.
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